Despite young women having many more financial and employment worries than men, and being more likely to face discrimination, they are much less likely to have the support they need at work.
- 41% of young women are worried about not having the support they need in their job, compared to 36% of young men.
Some young women – particularly those who are marginalised - are much less likely than others to have the support they need.
In terms of the support they need, young women identify the following areas:
There are also some key areas where young women report significantly lower levels of knowledge than young men, but where involvement with Young Women’s Trust has boosted young women’s knowledge to above that of their male peers.
This suggests that the type of support Young Women's Trust offers, combining knowledge and information with support to boost self-belief, can have a big impact.

Employers should:
- Offer targeted support for young women’s development. This could include peer and near-peer networking, sponsorship, mentoring and training.
- Ensure line managers are trained in supporting the development of their direct reports, so that young women are proactively supported.